Haefele is a software company that seeks out challenging, and dynamic software problems, requiring intelligent solutions. I was approached by their Branding specialists to create an open design peice, themed around ferrofluids with a two fold purpose, the first to generate a desirable identity, and the second as a subtle recruitment tool.
ferrofluids exhibit interesting and dynamic behaviour, and a mercurial nature, something that resonated well with the Managing Director, Alan Haefele.
I built the ferrofluids in Cinema4D, using several techniques, including noise generators, Metaballs, xparticels, skinned, and wrapped objects with varying behaviours. coth was used for the logo.
If you are a programmer, you might notice some hex code about, and if you were able to decipher that code there would be a little surprise in it for you.
If you are a programmer, you might notice some hex code about, and if you were able to decipher that code there would be a little surprise in it for you.